Comparison of applications Google Drive and Dropbox

Google Drive There is a free plan Мы используем этот сервис в Startpack и рекомендуем его

by Google Inc.
(80 reviews)

Cloud storage with the option of multi-user access and shared file editing.

Dropbox There is a free plan

by Dropbox
(59 reviews)

A service for automatically synchronizing files of all sizes on the web and through your PCs at work or at home.

Cloud storage with the option of multi-user access and shared file editing.

A service for automatically synchronizing files of all sizes on the web and through your PCs at work or at home.


Google Диск и Dropbox — популярные в мире облачные хранилища. Хранилище от Google появилось в 2012 году. Dropbox создан студентами из MIT в 2007 году. Доступ к хранилищам осуществляется через браузер, десктопное приложение или через мобильные устройства.

Google Диск (зарубежное название Google Drive) выполнен в минималистичном стиле. Хранилище позволяет пользователю хранить и скачивать файлы, делиться с другими пользователями собственными данными и файлами, создавать папки, переходить в другие сервисы Google, используя меню навигации. В облаке можно создавать документы, таблицы и презентации, используя сервис Google Docs. Версия Google Диска на компьютере позволяет создавать отдельную папку и перемещать в неё файлы, которые будут синхронизироваться с хранилищем в облаке.

В Dropbox пользователь может экспортировать и импортировать личные данные, предоставлять доступ к файлам другим пользователям, создавать документы при помощи встроенного редактора текста Paper, переходить в другие сервисы компании при помощи кнопки в верхнем меню. Удалённые данные пользователь может восстановить в папке «Удалённые файлы». Локальная версия Дропбокс синхронизирует файлы из папки сервиса на компьютере с облаком. Облако не защищает данные пользователя сквозным шифрованием. После регистрации сервис просит скачать и установить клиент на компьютер.

Оба сервиса предоставляют бесплатно предоставляют начальный объём памяти: Google Диск — 15 Гб, а Dropbox всего лишь 2 Гб. Минимальный объём памяти, который может приобрести пользователь в Дропбокс, составляет 2 ТБ и стоит 9 $ в месяц, у облака Google — 100 Гб за 139 рублей в месяц. Максимальный доступный объём хранилища у Dropbox неограничен, у Google Диска при покупке подписки Enterprise в Google Workspace также даётся неограниченный объём хранилища.

Облачные решения хорошо подойдут для хранения файлов. Если нет в необходимости для покупки дополнительного места для хранения и пользователя устраивает экосистема Google, то стоит выбрать Google Диск.

Click on the required functions to select the app by points.


Google DriveGoogle Drive
Minimum 0 $
Check out  Trial period
Check out  Tariff-free
Payment method: By subscription

15GB - free of charge.

Extensions up to 100GB will cost from $1.99 per month, up to 2TB will cost $9.99 per month.

Minimum 0 $
Check out  Trial period
Check out  Tariff-free
Payment method: By subscription
It’s free 2GB, you have to pay $10 per month to increase to 1TB.


Collaboration and personal effectiveness

Notifications 32
Check out
Check out
Access control 17
Check out
Check out
Search and filters 30
Check out
Check out
Comments 18
Check out

Cloud storage

Maximum disk size, GB 4
2-step verification 0
Check out
Check out
Built-in office 1
Check out
Check out
Increase disk by inviting friends 0
Check out
Maximum file size, GB 3
Encrypting the connection 0
Check out
Check out
User management 1
Check out
View media files without downloading 2
Check out
Auto upload camera files to storage 1
Check out
Check out
Action history 4
Check out
Check out
Free volume, GB 3

Security and privacy

Protocol access HTTPS Data between you and the service is transmitted over an encrypted channel (SSL / TLS), which excludes their interception by intruders. 77
Check out
Check out
Multi-factor authentication The combined use of several factors reduces the risk of data leakage (in addition to a password, cards, fingerprint scanners, and others are used). 40
Check out
Check out


Platforms 15
Web app Web app Android app Android app iOS app iOS app Windows app Windows app Mac app Mac app
Web app Web app Android app Android app iOS app iOS app Windows app Windows app Mac app Mac app Linux app Linux app
Deployment 9
Cloud Cloud Personal Computer Personal Computer
Cloud Cloud
Available languages 10
Russian, English
Russian, English
Click on the required functions to select the app by points.
Which app is right for you?

Comparison of interfaces Google Drive and Dropbox

Google DriveGoogle Drive

Reviews about Google Drive and Dropbox

Google DriveGoogle Drive

Documents, Sharing and Just Reliable Storage


  • Available on any device
  • Access control: convenient to use for work and personal needs
  • Integrated with Google Docs (well, still not), as a result - it is convenient to solve work questions with documents requiring the participation of several people
  • Many integrations with Internet services (for example,


  • Cost - there are cheaper services, but their functionality is much lower

I have been using it for several years. There is practically no alternative service (even after switching to Apple technology) in terms of the number of integrated services and general convenience. Together with other products from Google G Suite, it is easy to organize a reliable and convenient infrastructure for your office in the cloud.

I respect Google


+ free

+ support with everything you can

+ really functionally it’s Google


there are none

Previously, we used Yandex.Disk, but due to the recent law in Ukraine, it became necessary to upload everything to Google disk, since it is difficult for work partners and some employees to enter the Yandex disk. The choice fell on a google drive, and there were no inconveniences.

Problems opening files from the network


Bonus 100 gigabytes when purchasing devices. ASUS


Prevents playback of * .3gpp files directly from disk from the network

In the documentation, the ability to connect additional. There seem to be applications for opening different types of files, and I’m doing everything right, but it doesn’t work! Installed programs are not added to the "open with" menu

Google is good!


Photos and videos can be viewed and organized in both Google Photos and Google Drive. Optionally, you can create a Google Photos folder under My Drive to group your pictures and videos into subfolders. At the same time, photos that are visible in both Google Photos and Drive will not take up double the amount of space available to you in your Google account


the updated interface is not very user-friendly

Great storage for your information

I use in work


A very convenient system for maintaining small databases, used in work:

1. Setting different access levels. You can make different documents with different levels of access, for example, editing for employees, commenting for bosses, for home control and data use, but without the ability to harm the project - only viewing.

2. The very essence of the cloud system is access to documents from anywhere, where there is the Internet (and at the very least there is even an offline access function). You can forget the USB flash drive with the documents, the disk may not be read, but here you just need to remember your Google account password :)

3. Several people can work in the system at once, this is very convenient for the constant exchange of data without wasting time on sending documents by the same mail, for example. 

4. Automatic saving of data. You don’t have to worry about internet failures or blackouts. They are saved permanently as soon as you enter new data.

5. Long training of new employees is not required, because nowadays everyone knows MS office. It is much more difficult to teach a person to work in 1c or other specific databases, which are different for each employer.


Less functionality compared to a classic office. For example, Google Sheets have very inconvenient filters and data editing capabilities. The functionality can be expanded, but for a fee :) And I don’t know if it will help.

It helps a lot in my work, I practically don’t use it for home. Many systems and databases are tied to these documents, without them anywhere!


For all needs


You can easily share information with another person. And you don’t need to share different folders 100 times. + All information is physically merged onto your computer, and does not hang somewhere on someone else’s server.


They don’t seem to exist. Unless you can collect data about another person and send it to the FSB. 

Also does not know how to determine the cycle of the Moon to determine biorhythms.

I ask the developers to pay attention to the fact that the application does not have an analogue on Simbian and my Nokia 3310 cannot save a picture with HD resolution and transmit it via IR port to my friend from a neighboring village.

Perhaps this is just a bug in the code, so if I can still download this application using an authorized service in the nearest regional center (Miha, you are the best !! Thanks for the snake) please let me know by international pigeon mail.

Dropbox is the best cloud


Security - provided with 256-bit AES encryption during storage and SSL / TLS during transmission.

Free space up to 23 GB available

Mobile client with a convenient and user-friendly interface

Fast synchronization, and if you have 2 computers on the same home network, then it transfers files even faster - directly through the network.


Not found in a year and a half

I have been using this service for more than a year and a half - I have never let it down.

At first, only 2 GB of space is given out, but having done easy tasks (subscribe to Twitter and Facebook, and download the program on a PC) - the place increases to 4.25 GB, after that for each invited friend, the space increases by 500 MB. 

You can also increase the space if you register using the referral link (you are given 500 MB and me 500 MB - I hope we can help each other with free 500 MB)

Opinion about Dropbox


Compatibility with my NTS

Simultaneous work with one file


Didn’t notice these

An excellent cloud, it helped out more than once, because all my documents are on it, and they are available at any time

Helps small businesses


100 GB of memory for free

One click from mail mail


It takes a long time to load heavy files

At work, the hard drive somehow flew. But I’m smart! All working materials, documents, invoices, etc. I copy mail to the virtual disk, so he saved me that day ... Before that I used Yandex, but when I found out that mail had created a virtual disk of 100 GB, I immediately objected to it (here Yandex with its 10 GB is not a competitor).

I have not found a more practical one yet


Cross-platform, excellent usable web version, speed of work


Amount of free space after registration

Comparing services for a long time, settled on dropbox - a very pleasant interface, excellent speed, availability for quick sharing :)

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Google Drive

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